Hearing acoustics

Enjoy the time –

hearing aid fitting at the premises of Braun Opticians’

Hearing acoustics: A decision for your hearing performance and individuality. There is the requirement for preservation and repose for perfection in an ever more hectic world.

Use our philosophy for your performance. Listen to life.

Originator photos/© Oticon

The analyses of your hearing takes places using outstanding high-tech products on the highest level:

Video-otoscopy with Aurical Otocam 300

This video-otoscope enables high resolution video recording of the auditory meatus and of the eardrum. The powerful light source provides sharp, clear images. Even small details in the inner ear are projected on the monitor.

Detailed examinations are equally possible as a quick visual check.

As a result, the Aurical Otocam 300 facilitates a better understanding of the functionality of the hearing aid, due to the even more high-quality consultation.

Originator/© otometrics.natus.com

Originator/© otometrics.natus.com

Originator/© Oticon

Have you already known …

… that Braun Opticians’ hearing acoustics provide a compatibility guarantee for all hearing aids purchased from us?

… that efficient hearing aids can independently optimise the adjustment up to 17.000 times per second to ensure best comprehension in all situations?

… that statutory health insurance companies still cover lump-sums for hearing aids?

… that modern hearing aids function on the basis of artificial intelligence?

… that all workflows are regularly reviewed by MOT South at Braun Opticians?

… that even the individual listening environments is analysed for an optimal hearing aid fitting at Braun Opticians’ hearing acoustics?

… that the one who wears hearing aids does not only hear better but also becomes smarter? This is the result of a study of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

… that we provide our customers the opportunity to test the latest hearing aids free of charge and without obligation?

… that the special department hearing acoustics has been in existence at Braun Opticians since 1958?

… that Braun Opticians have had the special department hearing acoustics since 1958?

… that at Braun Opticians’ hearing acoustics each hearing aid fitting is carried out by a master acoustician with additional training as a paediatric acoustician?

… that a wireless connection between the right and the left device can be established in up-to-date hearing technologies?

… that every third fire fighter is hard of hearing? According to an examination of 3.300 firefighters in Madrid, hearing impairment is on the second place regarding occupational diseases. Loud hooters, machinery and devices are the assumed cause. First come acid burns due to contact with chemicals.

… that it is all hearing-damaging noise at the centre of Bangkok? Anyone who stays on the busy streets of the Thai capital risks his sense of hearing. Hearing checks with 4.000 persons revealed that inner-city drivers and street vendors are especially afflicted. Their hearing is distinctly worse than that of their colleagues who work in less noisy areas. Traffic policemen and local residents, too, hear below average.

… that the regulation to protect employees from hazards due to noise and vibrations is now applicable law, following the Bundesrat’s approval at the end of February? In case of a continuous sound level of 80 decibel, employers must make hearing protection available. Above 85 decibel, employees are even obliged to use hearing protection. The hitherto possible exception rules for individual cases do not exist anymore. In Germany, the ears at the workplace are better protected than required by the EU. The EU had set the safety limit at the workplace at 87 decibel.

Have you already known …

… that ears are still damaged at German workplaces? Noise-induced hearing loss has headed the statistics of recognized occupational diseases for years. In 2004, there were 42.000 noise-induced cases of retirement solely at the occupational insurance associations, which 162 million Euros have to be paid for. Furthermore, roughly 6.000 new cases of occupational noise-induced hearing loss have been reported, according to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

… that the dangers for the sense of hearing must be pointed out in the case of loud musical events in Germany? According to the DIN-norm 15905-5, valid since November 2007, the audience must be made aware of the potential risk to the sense of hearing if the exceedance of the medium sound level of 85 decibel is to be expected. From 85 decibel onwards, the organiser must keep available hearing protection for each attendant and he must request to wear it as well.

… that you hear better in the morning than in the evening? Due to the stress in the course of the day, most people experience a temporary lowering of the hearing level, according to professor Laszig from the University of Freiburg: “If you take a hearing test – in the morning, well rested and fully fit – and you take the same test in the evening, then you can see that almost all patients hear worse in the evening.”

… that you risk your sense of hearing on board of the New York subway? Anyone who spends on the New York underground half an hour daily can already suffer from a hearing defect as demonstrated by a study of the University of Columbia. Since the noise levels rise up to 106 decibel. The median value averages 94 decibel, being still higher in the waggons. It is particularly fatal, according to dean of studies Professor Robyn Gershon, if you attempt to drown out the noise with your MP3 player. “Noise-induced hearing deficiencies are a health problem of a gigantic magnitude”, says Gershon, “therefore, I recommend commuters to wear hearing protection, such as earplugs.

… that we wake up even at low sound levels if our brain classifies these sounds as important? These include unusual tones, sounds made by our children, and the sound of our proper name.

… that 20 per cent of Germans state that they cannot sleep with a window open because of the noise exposure? From 30 decibels onwards only, sleep disorders are possible. From 45 decibels onwards, more stress hormones are excreeted. The dreams are shorter and, in between, the periods of wakefulness are longer.

… that night-time aircraft noise sends the blood pressure soaring? The participants in a European study underwent noise exposure between 30 and 60 decibels at night. It was realised that the risk for high blood pressure increases by 14 per cent if the noise level raises by 10 decibels. Hearing protection from the hearing aid acoustician helps.