FAQ – questions and answers about better vision

What does shortsightedness mean?

If you are shortsighted you can see well without glasses in the vicinity, in the distance, everything blurs and becomes indistinct. The most frequent cause is too Long an eyeball (axial-length myopia) so that the image originates in front of the retina. Therefore, it cannot be seen clearly.The farsightedness as well as the shortsightedness (myopia) are measured in dioptres. The shortsightedness can be adjusted optimally with RODENSTOCK-glasses in minus effect – and you can make full use of your potential of vision again.

What does farsightedness mean?

Farsightedness (hyperopia) is, in addition to shortsightedness, one of the most common visual disorders. If you are farsighted you can see well without glasses in the distance, but your vision is blurred in the vicinity. In most cases, the cause is too short an eyeball (axial length hyperopia). The image originates behind the retina and can therefore not be seen clearly.

What does presbyopia mean?

With increasing age, the near vision diminishes and books or letters have to be read with outstretched arm. The ageing process of the eye and the concomitant waning elasticity of the eye lens are responsible for this process. Bifocals for infinitely sharp vision at all distances are suitable for compensating age-related farsightedness (presbyopia). At the workplace, you will benefit from special computer glasses with ERGO® comfort eyeglass lenses for the vicinity.

How do I realize that I need bifocals?

Observe yourself when you are reading:

If you have to hold the book or the newspaper uncomfortably far away to see clearly you need a reading correction for the vicinity. Reading glasses can help; bifocals, however, have the distinct advantage that you only need one pair of glasses for different distances.

Thus, you are always flexible in everyday life, and you can see sharply in each situation.

Eyeglass lenses from the RODENSTOCK Perfection category offer an ideal solution: The entire visual system of the spectacle wearer is analysed individually here so as to take full advantage of the visual potential.

Can I read as well with bifocals as with reading glasses?

Yes! The size of the close-up range is decisive for the reading comfort with bifocals. The close-up range is especially large with Impression® varifocal lenses with EYELT® – for unlimited reading enjoyment in the intermediate and in the long range.

Contrary to pure reading glasses, you are much more flexible with bifocals. Whether seeing at close-up range, at intermediate range or at long range – you need only one pair of glasses for every visual Situation.

What has to be considered concerning the material of eyeglass lenses?

Mineral glass has been classified as the premium material for the manufacture of eyeglass lenses for a long time. But times are changing. Nowadays, eyeglass lenses are made almost exclusively from high-tech synthetic materials which are superior to mineral glass in almost all requirements. Eyeglass lenses made from synthetic materials are lightweight and can be produced very thinly. This enhances the aesthetics and wearing comfort for the eyeglass wearer. Moreover, plastic lenses are absolutely clear, robust and colour-stable.

What are the advantages of antireflective eyeglass lenses?

A high-quality anti-reflection coating ensures that light falling on the eyeglass lens is less reflected back. Thus, unpleasant reflections are reduced on the eyeglass lens, and nearly as much light gets to the eye as without glasses. In addition, anti-reflection coating reduces light reflections on the back side of the eyeglass lens, thus allowing for better vision in the twilight and at night.

Anti-reflective eyeglass lenses are often less scratch-sensitive due to the integrated hard coating – such as Solitaire® Protect Plus 2 from RODENSTOCK. The refinement of the eyeglass lenses with 3 years of guarantee combines anti-reflection coating, hard coating, and anti-dirt layer. You benefit from eyeglass lenses that are free of reflection, allow an unrestricted view of your eyes, are easy to clean and offer a permanently perfect experience of vision in everyday life.

What is a varifocal lens?

Varifocal lenses cover various dioptres in the close-up range, intermediate range, and long range, providing a smooth transition from range to range. Thus, the annoying changing of the glasses is superfluous. Varifocals offer optical advantages as well:

Since the different zones of vision blend invisibly inside the glass, verifocals provide an unobstructed view of the eyes and are indistinguishable from normal single vision glasses.

What should be understood to be individual varifocal glasses? Isn’t each glass individually manufactured?

Individual varifocal glasses will be personalised for you specifically and, thus, being optimised. They are individually tailored to fit your specific needs and wearing habits. In this process, far more individual parameters are included unlike in the manufacture of conventional eyeglasses. Concerning these eyeglasses, only the dioptre strength is taken into account, following a standard pattern in the eyeglass. Individual varifocal eyeglasses like Impression FreeSign® 3 are therefore made-to-measure your eyes. A wide range of data of the face and the selected spectacle frames are measured with our 3-D measurement-terminal and included in the manufacture of these eyeglasses. This stands for a still higher visual comfort and a use of your potential of vision up one hundred percent.

How do I recognise good sun lenses?

Good sun lenses protect the eyes against UV radiation, prevent disturbing glares, and preserves the natural colour contrasts. The sun lenses by RODENSTOCK offer all of this. They are available in three series with different characteristics.

  • SunProtect combines design and function in one sun lens. The eyeglass lenses offer ideal UV protection; they are available in trendy colours with tinting flexibility and without tinting flexibility – of course in your eyesight, too.
  • Ideal for everyone who wishes for high-contrast vision despite sunshine: SunContrast filters 100 % of UV rays and a large part of the blue light radiation in the daylight as well. Particularly suitable for locations with many reflections, e. g. during the beach holiday. Obtainable in your individual eyesight.
  • Polarising eyeglass lenses filter nearly all disturbing light reflexes, thus enabling relaxed, fatigue-proof vision. This gives you visual comfort, and, additionally, safety, e. g. when driving or doing outdoor sports. Of course also available in your eyesight.

How do I care for my glasses properly?

You clean your glasses under running water with some detergent easily and very gently. Afterwards, it would be best to dry your glasses with a micro fibre cloth.

Please do not rub with a T-shirt or with a paper tissue! Scratches can be removed neither from plastic lenses nor from mineral eyeglass lenses. Even if the flaw seems only cosmetic, light is scattered through the micro-fine scratches, thus irritating the eye.

Your glasses are pleased about an intensive cleaning at your Braun Opticians, your RODENSTOCK partner optician, every 6 months. A few minutes in the ultrasonic bath are already enough, and lenses and frames shine in new splendour.

How do I store my glasses?

As soon as you are not wearing lasses, you preferably put them into a hard shell case. Without case, the following can basically be applied: keep your glasses in safe custody, with the glassy side upwards.

Is it possible to remove scratches in the glass?

Unfortunately not. Eyeglass lenses are not only a pane of optical glass or plastic, but a complex system of layers for anti-reflection, for tinting, and other additional functions. Hence, the “polishing out” of the scratches does not work. Scratched glasses should be replaced soon. The micro-fine scratches cause light diffusions – the eye has to adjust permanently and tires quickly. Headaches can be the result.

The shortsightedness is measured in dioptres, as well as the farsightedness. Shortsightedness can optimally be adjusted by means of RODENSTOCK eyeglass lenses – and you are able to utilise your full potential of vision again.

Do my glasses just get too hot? Or too cold?

Avoid very high temperatures, approximately above 80° C (176° F). Neither glasses nor frames like overlong sauna sessions and the car dashboard’s use for storage in summer. However, negative effects are unknown regarding their use in winter at deeply sub-zero temperatures

What quality standards apply to lenses by RODENSTOCK?

Industrial standards of overriding importance apply for eyeglass lenses of all manufacturers. However, these standards are not sufficient for us because only top-quality materials and a precise production are used for the system of better vision. Therefore, RODENSTOCK has developed its own standards which guarantee the highest quality in every stage of development and production, including strict material testing, extensive compatibility studies and quality controls before shipment of each single product. RODENSTOCK offers all the necessary services from one source, from research and development to the production of the eyeglass lens.

What are ColorMaticIQ® eyeglass lenses?

ColorMaticIQ® are self-tinting eyeglass lenses by RODENSTOCK. They adjust themselves in record time to every light situation. Whether sunshine, glaring artificial light, shadow or twilight: ColorMaticIQ® eyeglass lenses can tint or brighten, depending on the environment.

This means that you can see relaxedly and safely with only one pair of glasses, in every light.

Why do my RODENSTOCK glasses have an “R” on the right eyeglass lens?

The trademark “R” on the eyeglass lenses by RODENSTOCK signalises that the glasses are an original product by RODENSTOCK which meet the highest technical and functional requirements.

Next to the trademark engraving, the eyeglass lenses are marked with a so-called function engraving. The opticians requires this engraving for the optimal adjustment of the eyeglass lens in front of the eye and for the definite classification of the eyeglass lenses. However, this engraving is not visible under standard light conditions.

What does RODENSTOCK FogFree mean?

RODENSTOCK FogFree is an innovative anti-fog cloth for eyeglass lenses. It is particularly practical in use. Simply wipe the eyeglass lenses with the cloth once a day and the eyeglass lenses do not fog up any longer – for example when switching from cold to warm environments, cooking, or doing sports.

The RODENSTOCK FogFree cloth works best with Solitaire® Protect Plus 2, our premium refinement. It reliably protects the eyeglass lenses against scratches, grime, dust, and water. Due to the super anti-reflexion, you benefit from antireflective vision and high aesthetics.