Here, you will find further information and interesting scientific reports.
Information about the eye in general and about the subject “Good Vision” (all links direct you to websites in German):
- Homepage of the Professional Association of ophthalmologists with explanations of various diseases of the eye, links on the internet, professional comments on articles in the press.
- Homepage MEDINFO with links to additional websites for the entire world of medicine. Here just the part concerning the eye.
- Numerous images of diseases of the eye (Atlas of ophthalmology).
- Wikipedia: free internet encyclopaedia, here the part of ophthalmology.
- Commercial website about the eye in general with a comprehensive list of diseases of the eye (Portal of Ophthalmology).
- Zentralverband der Augenoptiker und Optometristen.
- Kuratorium Gutes Sehen e. V.
- Gutes Sehen (Information about glasses and contact lenses).
- Kind und Sehen.
Information about diseases and disorders:
- Information on glaucoma and the anatomy of the eye.
- Information webpages of an ophthalmic practice about eye diseases of children, especially strabismus.
Information about surgery:
- Affected party and information party: complications following laser treatment of defective vision with simulation of complications (Operation Auge).
- Information webpages on cornea transplantation of the University Eye Clinic Cologne.
ERGO Direkt: “Laser surgery of the eyes: treatment, costs, advantages and disadvantages” (ERGO Direkt, manual health, surgery of the eyes).
Optical Express.
Advice and assistance:
- Pro Retina Germany registered Association. Self-help association of people with macular degenerations.
- Self-help association retinal detachment.
- American self-help websites on macular degeneration.
- Self-help website on the issue of colour blindness (achromatopsia).
- Panel on the congenital cataract.
- Anatomy of the eye with animation (Das Auge entdecken).
- Panel for light research, architecture, light and health (Cyberlux).
- Charitable Association for the Early Detection of Children’s Diseases (Augenstern).
- Info pages from the Professional Association of Female Orthoptists (concerned with problems of strabismus f. i.).
- Good homepage about colour, light and colour vision (Seilnacht Tuttlingen).
- History of sunglasses respectively.
- Medical dictionary English/German and German/English.
Furthermore, you will find various addresses, addresses of important institutions and self-help groups on this website: Auge online.
Internet addresses indicated on this web page do not always necessarily reflect the opinion of the author. Responsibility for their contents cannot be assumed. They are interesting though as additional or alternative information. If one of the links is no longer up-to-date, please send us a message via our contact form.